Why Does My Dog Growl at Family Members

Word Perfect

Module 1
Family & Grapheme y

1 Fill in: tradition, policy, stroll, concept, back up, honour, priority, kid.

1    My schoolwork is my top ...............
two    We similar to exchange gifts on New year's day'southward Day. It'southward a family unit    ................
three    I tin't empathise the      behind ..................this motorcar. What is it supposed to exercise?
four    Information technology is a great............... for me to exist part of your research team.
five    Without my husband's     ......................, I wouldn't accept made it in the fashion business organization.
6    Nosotros're sorry! You cannot utilize the Internet during piece of work hours. It's our company's........
7    My husband is an only ................He has no brothers or sisters.
8    After we did the washing upward, we went for a ................in the park.

2 Match the descriptions to the family members.

1    He is the father of                                              a    stepfather
2    my grandfather. She is my sister'southward                      b    ex-hubby
3    daughter. He is my                                            c    great-grandad
    daughter's son.                                                   d    niece
4    He used to be married to me.                             g    sister-in-law
5    She is my hubby's sister.                               h    grandson
6    He is my mum's new hubby.

3  Consummate the exchanges with the words in the list:

•    married • divorced • engaged • single
•    widowed • elderly

ane  A: I had no idea that Paul is ........
    B:  Unfortunately, his wife passed away final summer.

2    A: Tom'southward parents decided to get ...............
        B: I know. They have been having bug for a while now.

iii    A: Does your sister live alone?
        B: No, she lives with her husband. She's been ........    for two years now.

four    A: They've been ......... for three years.
        B: When are they planning on getting married?

5    A: Alice looks very tired. Does she ever rest?
        B: I highly doubt it. She is a    ............. parent and has no help from anyone.

6    A: When my grandfather gets on a bus, people always requite him their seat.
        B: That'south dainty. It's of import to respect the ............

4   Underline the correct item.

1    My brother is very sensitive/stubborn. He never listens to everyone.
2    I wanted to become a lawyer merely I am likewise moody/shy.
3    She has cute almond-shaped/shoulder- length eyes.
four    Mrs Thompson always has her pilus up in a bun/perm.
five    Clara tikes to wear formal/casual clothes, like jeans and T-shirts.
6    I have very dry/freckled peel, peculiarly in winter.
7    Lisa used to be very overweight/skinny. At present that she has put on some weight, she looks much better.
viii    Don't be so ambitious/pessimistic! Everything will turn out simply fine in the stop.
9    Our boss is confident/impatient that we volition have completed the project on time.
10    I'm very nervous/grumpy! I hope I practise well on my exam.
11    I'm definitely the black horse/sheep of the family.
12    Joanna is a real bit off the onetime cake/firm. She is exactly like her mum.

Module 2
Stress & Peer Pressurey

1 Underline the correct item.

1    His father'south death has harmed/acquired him a lot of pain.
2    I can't wait for this project to exist over/upward. I take so many other things to do.
3    It is positive/essential that you keep working hard if you want to get a pay ascension.
4    The child stamped/tapped his feet angrily while leaving the room.
v    She groaned/whispered something softly in his ear then walked abroad.
6    His constant complaining is pain/killing me. I can't take it anymore!
seven    I have to exist honest and tell them the truth. I have to go it off my chest/caput.
8    I can't take/observe it anymore! This urban center is too noisy for me.
nine    Tom is definitely one in a million/hundred. He's my all-time friend in the whole world.
ten She feels bad for letting her parents up/down.

2 Fill in: influence, persuade, give in, bumped, discouraged, dissuade, resist, pick.

1    I managed to...................my father from smoking.
two    My sis asked me so many times to help her study for an test that I finally had to.........
3    When Peter saw that he hadn't lost whatever weight, he got very....................
four    I don't like it when people endeavour to.................my decisions.
v    Yous should ................... temptation and have a slice of fruit instead of chocolate.
6    You actually let them ................... you to shave your head? That's unbelievable!
7    Don't ................... on your sis. She's a bit low these days.
8    I ................... into Mary yesterday at the post office.

three Consummate the exchanges with: get you lot down, building up, sick and tired, take information technology anymore, lose your temper.

Do you ever find yourself feeling 1)............of having to deal with all the noise and the traffic in this city? Practise you feel the stress ii)............ as y'all're sitting in your car in horrendous traffic jams? Exercise you detect that you don't have patience with others anymore and y'all iii)............easily? If you have answered Aye to whatsoever or all of these questions, now is your risk to put a stop to this cluttered situation.
Don't let the traffic in our city 4)............ a minute longer. Join the demonstration that's taking place on 15th May, at 10:00 am at People'due south Square. For those of usa who just tin can't v).............now'southward the time to take action! United, we can make a difference!

four Complete the exchanges with the verbs in the list. Heed the tenses.

• take • lose • be • break

1    A: What's incorrect Amy? Y'all look wearied!
B: I ................... nether a lot of stress these past few months. I demand a holiday.

2    A: I won't have time to report much before the test.
B: ...................information technology easy.! I'm sure you'll exercise fine.

3    A: Sally.................upwards with her boyfriend.
B: Really? I didn't know that.

4    A: You take to exist more patient with the children.
B: I can't. I experience that I.................. command.

Module iii
Law-breaking & Justice

1 Fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the appropriate class: contact, pay, shoplift, threaten, find, confess.

1    If yous are caught running a reddish low-cal, you have to...................a large fine.
2    As shortly as I realised that my house had been broken into, I...................the police.
3    The adult female they arrested...................to the law-breaking late last night.
iv    The judge...................the three boys guilty of vandalising school property.
five    My mum................... to take away my MP3 player if I don't exercise well on my exams.
half-dozen    Mike was caught...................yesterday. He had stolen some batteries and a pair of gloves.

two Complete the exchanges with the phrases in the right form:

•    have no right • have the correct to
•    have the responsibility to • do one's bit
•    take responsibility for
•    stand up up for one'southward rights

one    A: The police force officer informed him that he...................a lawyer.
B: That'south only fair.

2    A: You...................to be here! Become out now!
B: Please, just listen to what I have to say.

iii    A: Why do you lot work so tardily every day?
B: As the team leader of our project, I experience that I...................exercise so.

four    A: Who's going to................... sending out the wedding invitations?
B: I think Mary started sending some out already.

5    A: Anna's husband is very obsessive and controlling.
B: That'south terrible! She should....................

half dozen    A: We should all...................to protect the environment.
B: You lot're right! We should take responsibility immediately.

3 Circumvolve the correct item.

ane    The young human shivered / pointed in the cold.
2    The two dogs were laying / growling from behind the gate.
iii    The infiltrator pleaded / muttered with the police officeholder to set him free.
4    I threw out the old steeples / rags that I found in the basement.
5    He will employ any means / winnings he can to go what he wants.
half-dozen    It took them a while to realise / identify that their bags had been stolen.

4 Complete the text with the words in the list:

•    cleaved • arrested • convicted • sentenced
•    confess • chasing


Concluding Sunday was a bad day for my neighbour, Mr Smith. At around 2 p.1000 I heard a lot of dissonance coming from the street in front end of my house. I looked out the window, only to encounter six police officers 1)..........after Mr Smith all around our neighbourhood. The police officers finally caught upwardly with him and 2)...........him on the spot. It was obvious that Mr Smith had iii).........the law. Discussion has it that he was 4)............of fraud against the state. On that Sunday, Mr Smith was taken into custody until his court date. At outset, Mr Smith refused all accusations against him, but afterwards the evidence was presented to the approximate, he had no other choice but to 5).............to the criminal offence. He was vi)...............to 5 years of imprisonment.

Module 4
Injuries & Illnesses

ane Match the words to form phrases.

1    splitting        a    infection
ii    runny           b    cough
three    eye              c    headache
4    bad              d    temperature
5    stomach       east    ache
half dozen    high             f    hurting
7    abrupt           thousand    olfactory organ
8    dry              h  cold

2 Use the words in the list to consummate the exchanges.

•    lightheaded • downwardly • under • ankle • hoarse
•    pain • back • rash • nose • finger

1    A: What's wrong Julie? You lot don't wait very well.
B: I'1000 feeling a bit ................... the weather condition.

two    A: Before Francine fainted, she felt ...................all suddenly.
B: Poor thing.

iii    A: I have to get ameliorate before the weekend. We have a very important game at the college.
B: Don't worry. If you take care of your cold, you'll exist ................... on your feet in no time.

iv    A: I'one thousand feeling a bit run....................
B: I feel the same way too. It must exist the weather condition.

5    A: Why is your hand red?
B: I don't know. I've had a terrible ...................since this morning.

6    A: John'due south phonation is so....................
B: I know. I barely recognised him this morning on the telephone.

7    A: I need to blow my...................once more.
B: You really have a bad cold, don't you?

8    A: I cut my    as I was chopping some onions earlier today.
B: Ouch! That must have hurt.

ix    A: Oh no, I think I've sprained my again.
B: Be conscientious!

10    A: What's wrong Tom?
B: I've got an excruciating    in my stomach. I should go see a doctor.

3 Fill in the gaps with the post-obit words:
irresistible, hacking, crippled, astringent, narrow, internal, thumping, agonising.

1 Ever since I sprained my wrist, I have been in..........hurting.
2    My company'due south offering was ............. I had to accept.
3    She had a .............escape when she lost control of her car.
four    Mrs Tates uses a wheelchair because she was seriously............in an accident.
5    The ............. bleeding has made his state of affairs extremely disquisitional.
half dozen    Could y'all please turn down the music? I have a............headache.
seven    Martha is at present facing (an) ............decision about her career.
8    Peter's...........cough woke upwardly the babe.

four Underline the correct detail.

i    When somebody hailed/stretched us we realised that we were not lone.
ii    The moment he was admitted/closed to infirmary, he knew that something was seriously wrong with him.
iii    The man jumped/drowned before the captain could ship out an SOS.
iv    She laboured/glimpsed at an old man standing at the back of the room.
five    The ii young men rowed/rested as fast as they could to the nearest shore.
6    The dog tracked/fetched the stick that his possessor threw.

Word Perfect

Module 5
People & Places

ane Fill in: cosmopolitan, industrial, rough, abandoned, shanty, well-lit, posh, residential, fully-furnished, historic.

i    Although they live near a(n) ................... surface area, they are non affected by the pollution.
2    I'm looking to hire a ................... flat in the city centre.
3    We saw 2 kittens coming out of that ...................car yesterday.
iv    I dearest studying in my chamber because it is so.............
5    That human being lives in a(n)...................quondam hut.
6    At that place was an explosion in a(due north)..................area last night.
seven    Montreal is a very...................city. People from many unlike cultures live there.
8    We're invited to a ................... dinner party side by side Sat.
ix    I like to visit ................... cities such equally Athens and Rome.
ten   Jason lives in a dangerous neighbourhood in the...................part of town.

2a Match the words in the two columns to course phrases.

1 lack
2 heavy traffic
3 stray
4 overcrowded
v bird
vi cars parked

a    on the pavements
b    of trees
c    mess
d    public transport
e    animals
f    on the roads

b Utilise the phrases in Ex. 2a to complete the sentences below.

1    I hate cleaning up the ................... from my balcony.
2    A major disadvantage in our city is the ....................There's no green anywhere.
iii    I'm sorry I'1000 belatedly. In that location was...................
4    I feel so sad for ................... that I sometimes finish up taking them home.
5    Although...................is never pleasant, I never take my car to work.
6    People in wheelchairs cannot get around with all the....................

iii Underline the correct particular.

1    Everytime she goes on vacation she takes everything but the kitchen/bathroom sink.
2    She lied well-nigh helping me find a chore. She led me up the garden road/path by telling me that she would help me.
3    They shouldn't exist complaining. They are very lucky to have a roof over their heads/eyes.
4    When y'all tend Mike money, it's similar throwing it downwardly the window/drain.
5    At that place are nice cafes and restaurants in the pedestrianised/crude zones of our city.
6    I gave a bell-ringer/ragamuffin my sandwich today. He looked and so thin and frail.

four Fill in: fate, brunt, pastures, graffiti, estate, market, squat, role.

ane      I like buying cheap clothes at an outdoor...................about my house.
2      If it's meant to happen, it will. I believe in..............
iii    I don't want to................... y'all with my problems. You already have enough on your plate.
4    My dominate invited the states over to his...................for a posh political party.
5    The sheep were grazing in the..................
6    Suzan lives in a ...................illegally. She doesn't pay rent or belongings taxes.
7    The...................on the walls of our schoolhouse will be cleaned up this weekend.
viii    I work on the fourth floor of that ..................building.

Give-and-take Perfect

Module 6
Engineering & Advice

1 a Fill in: constitute, extraterrestrial, waves, signals, technologically, race.

1 ...............................................life
2    .................................advice
three    send advice ..........................
4    human ...........................................
5    ........................................advanced
half-dozen    radio .............................................

b Employ the phrases from Ex. 2a to complete the sentences.

ane    My task at the Aeronautical Agency is to ...................through radar.
2    Some people believe that aliens have tried to
3    Are other planets inhabited by.................?
4    Some of the nearly................... companiesare located in the US.
5    ...................... transmit information overmillions of miles.
half dozen    A major part of the scientific discipline of biology is the written report of the....................

2 Circle the correct item.

1    The sunday is at the eye of our race/solar organization.
ii    Satellites/lasers are used for communication purposes and scientific research.
3    Somebody stole the antenna/radio waves from my car.
four    Astronomers utilise a cosmos/telescope to study the stars and planets.
5    We tin can try sending out an SOS signal/ broadcast with this torch.
vi    Halley'south Comet/Star approaches Earth approximately every 76 years.
seven    Sometimes you make me experience like I'thou talking/ speaking to a wall.
8    The results of the fiction/survey are very interesting.

3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the list.

•    developments • headlines • coverage
•    press • update • scandal

A: Hey, Amber. You'll never guess what I read in the newspaper one).........this morning time.
B: What?

A: Y'all hateful the latest political two)    ............. didn't catch your eye?
B: No, information technology didn't. Tell me!

A: You didn't happen to read any articles in the iii).......... today?
B: No, I didn't.

A: Or see a live 4)..............on TV?
B: Will you tell me already?

A: If we turn on the TV correct now, I bet we'll hear the latest 5)................on the issue.
B: I can't believe I'm going to hear this from a news 6).............. and not from you. What

4 Fill in the verbs whine, condolement, unfold, drag and come in the correct tense.

1    I can't believe this scandal ................... before our eyes! It'due south the tiptop story on the news.
two    Paul................... his brother when his wifedied.
3    Sunrise magazine ................... out once aweek.
4    She could hear the dog...................as she was walking away.
5    They helped me ................... the box to the other side of the room.


                                    Word Perfect

Module 7
Hopes & Education

1 Use the words in the list to complete the exchanges.

•    alter • overcome • wait • face • reject
•    brand • come • achieve

1    A: Pete helped me ................... the problems I had at work.
B: He is a great guy, isn't he?

ii    A: Lots of people desire to................... the globe.
B: That is very promising.

3    A: Practice you think it will be difficult to start my own business?
B: In the showtime, you lot may................... many obstacles, but you mustn't give up.

iv    A: We will never have the money to buy a car.
B: Yeah, we will. Just...................and see.

five    A: When I set goals for myself, I brand sure I...................them.
B: Healthy!

half dozen    A: If you...................up against whatsoever difficulties, give me a ring.
B: I'll exist fine. Don't worry.

7    A: I don't think I would be a successful managing director.
B: Don't ................... the idea until you requite it a effort.

8    A: Tracey likes helping people in demand.
B: I know, she likes to ................... a difference in people'south lives.

2 Utilize the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences beneath.

•    drop out • win • complete • nourish
•    graduate

1    If I hadn't ................... a scholarship, I would have never been able to report abroad.
2    Once I ................... my degree in civil engineering, I will movement to Qatar.
three    My brother ................... from university when he was 20-two years old.
four    My dad...................of school when he was xiv years old.
v    Information technology was difficult for me to ................... all lectures because I had to piece of work.

3 Circumvolve the correct item.

1    I am going to apply for the field of study / position of senior managing director at our company.
ii    Yous need to accept the necessary quantities / qualifications to succeed in the job.
3    My parents help me pay my tuition fees / money.
4    I usually take a French lesson / subject twice a week.
5    My student loan / funding amounts to ?12,000.
6    Well-nigh of my classmates / colleagues have been working for a minimum of vi years.

four a Match the words to form phrases.

1    in the promise
two    dash one's
three    hope for the
four    go ane's hopes
5    give up
six    take loftier hopes
vii    pivot 1's hopes

a    hopes
b    that
c    up
d    hope
east    of
f    on
g    best

b Use the phrases from exercise 4a in the correct form to complete the sentences beneath.

1    Mary shared a flat with her sister................. she would save up some coin to purchase a car.
2    Jonathan has ................. his .................buying this flat. He hasn't looked around for annihilation else.
iii    I had never worked away earlier but I decided to have a become and....................
iv    We might be able to purchase that DVD thespian that you lot liked, just don't ................... your...................- it might be sold out.
5    They never ................... that they would arrive through all the hardships.
6    Jack...................becoming a millionaire.
vii    A horrible snowstorm has...................our................... of going to the countryside
for the weekend.

Give-and-take Perfect

Module viii
Geographical Features & Air Travel

1 Underline the correct particular.

1 The hotel was located in a remote/inhabited area of the metropolis. It took us almost twoscore-five minutes to become to the closest restaurant.
2    The ruins that were plant in the archeological sites of Santorini are well familiar/preserved.
iii    The aboriginal Greeks gave backdrop/offerings to the twelve Gods of Olympus.
4    The vase they bought us for our hymeneals ceremony is quite unique/worshipped.
5    Nosotros hired a moving company to send/disappear our belongings to our new habitation.
half dozen    The invaders/monks took over the city merely as the dark had fallen.
seven    We had to wait in the departure/arrival lounge for two hours earlier boarding the airplane.
8    I met my married man at the baggage gate/reclaim expanse at Heathrow Drome.

ii Employ the words in the listing to complete the sentences.

•    stream • hot springs • mountain range • waterfall
•    swamp • cavern

1    The piddling bear cubs rushed into the...................when they heard the gunshot.
ii    Although we got soaking wet, we managed to have some beautiful pictures by the....................
three    In that location was a small..................running forth our garden.
four    ................... can be constitute all over the world and are known to be therapeutic.
5    The world's longest ................... is the Andes and is located between Chile and Argentina.
half-dozen    We were able to meet some crocodiles in the..................

3 Use the words in the listing to complete the exchanges.

•    mystery • archaeological • predict • forecast • carved

i A: When I visit a new country, I beloved going to all the...................sites.
B: Really? I prefer to spend my time getting to know the culture of the locals.

2 A: What e'er happened to Mr Stevens?
B: I have no idea. His disappearance is a............

3    A: Did you hear the weather...................?
B: Aye, information technology's going to exist mostly cloudy with a few showers tomorrow.

four    A: How did the aboriginal Greeks..................the future?
B: They consulted the oracle of Apollo at Delphi.

v    A: This statue has been...............with such detail that it near looks real.
B: It's gorgeous, isn't it?

4 a Fill up in the gaps with the correct discussion.

•    conveyor • store • passport
•    lath • check-in

ane    ..............................control
two    departures .........................
3    ..................................chugalug
4    .................................desk
5    duty-free ...........................

b Utilize the collocations in Ex. 4a to complete the sentences.

one    I e'er buy something nice from the...............before my flying.
2    The ................... suddenly stopped and I panicked.
3    If nosotros expect at the.................... we'll know if our flight will exist leaving on time.
iv    The lady at the...................gave us a seat past the window.
v    They stopped us at................because our passports had expired.

Английский язык. xi класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

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